week 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
      full course outline

Welcome to Netcultures and Practices

Week 1: Introduction to course ? objectives, week by week outline, technical support.
Critical Surfing 1- class to use and review a number of websites across a range of objectives and audiences.

links to interesting sites

links to resource sites

Why the Web?
What is it?
History of the internet

Discussion of effectiveness, both conceptually and technically, and appropriateness of the Net as a communication tool.

Students to begin thinking about their own projects.
how many people have created a site before?

Assignment: Create at least three pages and have them linking to each other.

Guide to creating a simple page and how to link them.
Options you could include when creating your page.